
From IT Support to Data Analytics

My name is Faiz Pokun. Thank you for visiting this page. If you’ve stumbled across it accidentally, welcome! I hope you’re in good spirits. I’ll keep this short and simple.

First, let me explain why I’m dedicating time to this page. I have worked in IT support for about four years. During this time, I explored various IT areas to find my specialization. I delved into Networking, Cloud, AI developing a strong curiosity for all things tech. However recently, I discovered my true calling: data analytics.

This page serves as my introduction and journal. I will share my thoughts and experiences as I become a data analyst. I will cover topics like projects, learning resources, and study techniques. My goal is to help aspiring data analysts transition smoothly by providing tools and accurate information.

Before starting this blog, I asked myself some questions: How can I help? What value can I bring? How will this content benefit others? What gap am I trying to fill? Many in IT support want to transition to different careers. IT support often gets overlooked but offers exposure to various applications and problems. This exposure helps develop transferable skills for data analytics, like problem-solving and troubleshooting. Additionally, IT support roles cultivate soft skills such as rapport building, communication, customer service, and a mindset of constant learning.

Join me on this journey. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you. Stay tuned for insights and updates that will help you on your path to becoming a data analyst.